Voter ID Card OCR API

The Voter Card OCR API can quickly and accurately extract and verify information from voter cards. This data is automatically filled in the right fields for a quicker, more error-free form-filling experience.

Trusted By The Best

Access Deepvue’s Voter ID OCR API For

Accelerated Onboarding

Skyrocket your user/customer/merchant/vendor onboarding by instantly verifying their Identity Document

Banking & KYC Checks

Verify the identity of users, ensuring secure transactions and preventing financial fraud.

Zero Frauds

Elimination of fraudulent activities by thoroughly verifying information, contributing to a secure business environment.

Lending & Insurance Journey

Streamline loans and insurance journeys with automated verification for a stress-free experience.

Why only

Use before you pay, believe what we say


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How does Voter Card OCR help in a better customer experience?

Voter Card OCR helps create a better customer experience by eliminating manual form-filling and data entry. The API can quickly extract information from voter cards and automatically fill in the right fields. This not only saves time but also reduces errors and improves accuracy. Furthermore, it also ensures that customers’ sensitive data is handled securely.

Get access to the most accurate OCR System.
Sign-up Now, and go live in 1 hour!

How it works in three simple steps

1. Create account

Provide a few basic details, and we can offer you the best solution and price guarantee.

2. Integrate APIs into your app

Our APIs are easy to integrate, with detailed documentation and dedicated integration engineers to get you up and running in hours, not days.

3. Go live!

Our systems and dedicated engineers will keep an eye on things and help you every step of the way to ensure nothing is overlooked. So you can focus on what matters: your business.

Effortless API Integration; Plug n Play

Integrate our Voter Card API in your products with a few lines of code and go-live with your latest Identity integration in the next hour.

API Request

					curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{your_accesstoken}}' \
--header 'x-api-key: {{client_secret}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "document1": "{{document base64}}",
    "name": "Vishal Kumar"

API Response

  "data": {
    "address": "string",
    "age": "string",
    "date_of_birth": "string",
    "district": "string",
    "fathers_name": "string",
    "gender": "string",
    "house_number": "string",
    "id_number": "string",
    "is_scanned": "string",
    "name_on_card": "string",
    "pincode": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "street_address": "string",
    "year_of_birth": "string"
  "message": [
    "Document processed successfuly"
  "transaction_id": [
  "code": 200

If you are a developer, explore how you can easily integrate our API

Verify your Voter ID in seconds!

0 %
Success Rate
0 %
Response Time
< 0 sec
0 %

Build digital customer journeys and launch your financial products 10X faster

Complete OCR Solution Suite

Activate Voter ID OCR along with our complete OCR Solution Suite

Digital Verification

PAN OCR API instantly extracts data from PAN card images. Pre-fill accurate data and digitize PAN card douments easily. 98.6% accurate, best in the industry.

Learn More

Drivers License OCR API instantly extracts details from Driving license documents. Pre-fill details with accurate data. 98.6% accurate, best in the industry.

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Now digitize bank cheques using the best bank cheque OCR API. Automatically extract account number, IFSC, payee name etc. from bank cheques documents.

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Apart from these we offer many other Identity document OCR solution. Contact us to learn more about them.

Contact us

Benefits Of Our Voter Id Card OCR API

Minimise costs

Cut back on costs associated with manual entry and fixing errors in back-end operations.

Quick One-Time Integration

Our API easily integrates with your app or existing workflows and processes within an hour.

Faster Customer Onboarding

Real-time data extraction leads to instant onboarding service and a better experience.


We provide clear and concise documentation to help you get started immediately, and our support team is always available to answer any questions.

Prevent human errors

Automated form filling eliminates errors caused by manual methods, so you can rest assured that your information is accurate.

Prevent Fraud

Identity fraud is a very real problem that can affect any financial institution. It can help these institutions by saving them from potential fraudsters.

Scalable and Secure

A powerful API that integrates with your systems to automate verification. Get a response without exposing data to a third party.

A modern and easy to use API platform

Who can use Voter ID OCR API by Deepvue?

Explore the wide variety of industries where you can use our OCR to verify voter ID

Financial Services & Fintechs


NBFCs & Lending Businesses

Neo Banks

Payment Solutions

Frequently asked questions: Voter Card OCR

The Voter Card OCR API scans the uploaded voter card in real-time and extracts relevant information. This data is then automatically filled in the fields of a form. The API can be integrated with any application or website for easy usage.

You should use Voter Card OCR API because it helps create a better customer experience by eliminating the need for manual form-filling and data entry. By using our OCR you can quickly and accurately extract information from voter cards and automatically fill in the right fields, saving time and reducing errors. Furthermore, it also ensures that customers’ sensitive data is handled securely.

The cost of our Voter OCR depends on the number of requests you make. We offer a range of plans to suit different needs, starting from as low as ₹0.8 or $0.01 per request. For more information about pricing, please get in touch with us directly.

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is a technology that enables computers to recognize text from images or scanned documents. In the context of voter cards, OCR can instantly and accurately extract information from the card, such as name, address, and voter id number. This data can then be automatically filled in the right fields of a form for a quicker and more error-free experience.

To get our OCR, start a free trial or contact us directly on our website and fill out the form on the contact us page. Our team will get in touch with you shortly with more information about the API and how to get started.

Voter card digitization helps in KYC (Know Your Customer) documents by allowing users to quickly and easily verify customer identities. With the help of the OCR engine, information can be extracted and automatically populated into the right fields for a more secure and seamless onboarding experience. This process also ensures customer data is handled securely and prevents identity theft or fraud.

Voter Card OCR can be used by a variety of businesses for various use cases, including financial institutions, banks, insurance companies, government agencies, e-commerce websites, educational institutions, gaming companies, and other organizations that require customer identity verification. The API helps streamline verifying customer identities by quick and accurate data extraction and automatically filling in the right fields for a quicker and errorless form-filling experience.

With Deepvue’s Voter Card OCR API, you can verify a voter ID by extracting critical information from the uploaded voter card in real-time. The extracted data is then automatically filled into the respective fields of a form in your application or website. This method ensures quick verification and significantly reduces errors, providing a secure and efficient way to validate voter ID.

In India, various identity verification methods are available, including Aadhaar card, PAN Cards, Driving Licenses, Passports, and Voter ID Cards. The Voter ID Card is unique in that it is issued to citizens of India who are 18 years or older and eligible to vote. This card has the individual’s name, photograph, address, and unique voter identification number. It serves as an important form of identification for citizens and can be used for various purposes, such as opening bank accounts and applying for passports.

Our Voter ID Card OCR takes an image of the voter card as input for document processing. This image can be in any of the following file formats: JPEG, PNG, TIFF, or BMP.

It can be integrated with any language that supports web services, such as Java, Python, PHP, Node.js, etc. It’s a one-time process and end-to-end secure, and you will get response information in JSON format.

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